Hand Weaved Area Rugs

          Video with images of Phases Africa's 100% organic Karakul wool rugs woven by hand.      

Phases Africa Furniture & Decor offers a range of environmentally conscious area rugs crafted with premium materials. Our 100% organic Karakul wool rugs are sourced sustainably and hand-woven to meet the unique specifications of each customer. These rugs boast a luxurious softness and plush texture, available in a variety of natural Karakul wool colors without the use of any dyes during production.

Similarly, our handmade cowhide area rugs feature only organic cow hides, ensuring both quality and sustainability. These rugs are accompanied by backing made from 100% recycled, sound-absorbing, and non-slip rubber. Customers can customize sizes and choose from a selection of natural cowhide colors.

Additionally, we've introduced a new line of area rugs made from 100% recycled plastic, furthering our commitment to sustainability. While not showcased in this video, you can explore these eco-friendly options on our website to learn more.