Sustainably Sourced - Table Lamps

Sustainably Sourced Materials:

  • Porcupine Quills: These are naturally shed by porcupines and can be collected without harming the animal. They are often used for decorative purposes.
  • Kudu Horns: Kudu horns are a byproduct of the sustainable game industry. The use of these horns in lamp bases is a way to utilize every part of the animal, adhering to principles of sustainability.
  • Embossed Leather with Ostrich Skin Print: Leather can be sustainably sourced from farms that practice responsible animal husbandry and land management. The ostrich skin print adds a luxurious texture to the lamp.


  • Each lamp is handmade, which means it supports artisan skills and reduces the carbon footprint associated with mass production.
  • Handcrafted items often come in limited quantities, which helps prevent overproduction and waste.